2018 Capital Asset Inventory Lists
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- 01 - Libraries
- 01 - Office for Teaching + Learning
- 02 - Education
- 03 - African American Studies
- 03 - Anthropology
- 04 - CFPCA
- 03 - Criminal Justice
- 03 - Economics
- 03 - English
- 03 - English Language Institute
- 03 - Foreign Language Lab
- 03 - History
- 03 - Philosophy
- 05 - Engineering
- 05 - Engineering Sponsor Owned Equipment
- 06A - BioMedical Communications
- 06A - Cardiovascular Res Institute Admin
- 06A - Faculty Affairs Office
- 06A - Med Dean's Office
- 06A - Medical Information Systems
- 06A - Med School External Affairs
- 06A - Med School Facilities
- 06A - Med Students
- 06A - Med Surgical Research Svcs
- 06A - Med Word Processing
- 06A - Medical Research Administration
- 06A - Medicine Human Resources
- 06A - PRB Administration
- 06A - PRB Sponsored Owned
- 06B - Anatomy
- 06B - Cardio Res Institute (CVRI)
- 06B - Clinical Research Center (CRC)
- 06B - Ctr for Molecular Medicine & Genetics
- 06B - Microbiolog & Immunology
- 06B - Pharmacology
- 06B - Physiology
- 06C - Community Medicine
- 06C - Dermatology
- 06C - Emergency Medicine
- 06C - Family Medicine
- 06C - Internal Medicine
- 06C - Internal Medicine Sponsor Owned
- 06C - Neurology
- 06C - Neurosurgery
- 06C - Obstetrics-Gynecology
- 06C - Obstetrics-Gynecology Sponor Owned
- 06C - Oncology
- 06C - Oncology Sponsor Owned
- 06C - Ophthalmology
- 06C - Orthopedic Surgery
- 06C - Otolaryngology
- 06C - Pathology
- 06C - Pathology Sponsor Owned
- 06C - Pediatrics
- 06C - Physical Medicine
- 06C - Psychiatry
- 06C - Radiation Oncology
- 06C - Radiology
- 06C - Surgery
- 06C - Surgery Sponsor Owned
- 06C - Urology
- 06D - Continuing Medical Education
- 07 - Law School
- 08 - Mortuary Science
- 09 - OVPR
- 10 - KHSS
- 12A - Dean's Office- Science
- 12B - Communication
- 12C - Biological Science
- 12C - Biological Science Sponsor Owned
- 12E - Chemistry
- 12E - Chemistry Sponsor Owned
- 12G - Geology
- 12H - Physics
- 12H - Physics Sponsor Owned
- 12J - Nutrition
- 12K - Computer Science
- 12L - Mathematics
- 12N - Psychology
- 13 - Social Work
- 15 - Nursing
- 16 - Business Administration
- 18 - Pharmacy
- 19 - Health Sciences
- 20 - CLL Pharmacy & Allied Health
- 20 - Educational Outreach
- 20 - Lit & Critical Thought
- 24 - Media Services
- 25 - C&IT
- 31 - President
- 32 - DDI
- 32 - Honors Program
- 32 - Provost
- 33 - VP Finance and Business Operations
- 42 - FP&M
- 43 - Business Operations
- 43 - Mail Room
- 43 - One Card
- 43 - Recreation & Fitness Ctr
- 46 - Parking
- 46 - Public Safety
- 48 - Labor Relations
- 49 - Human Resources
- 52 - University Press
- 66 - Ctr for Peace & Conflict
- 66 - Ctr for Urban Studies
- 66 - CULMA
- 66 - Reuther Archives
- 66 - Survey & Evaluation
- 69 - DLAR
- 69 - OEHS
- 74 - Strategic Planning
- 75 - University Budget
- 82 - Fiscal Operations
- 86 - Commencements
- 86 - Development & Alumni Affairs
- 87 - Graduate Admissions
- 87 - Marketing
- 87 - McGregor & Community Arts
- 87 - Office of Scholarships & Fin Aid
- 87 - Undergraduate Admissions
- 87 - WDET
- 88 - General Counsel
- 92 - Acad Pathways to Excellence (APEX)
- 92 - Athletics
- 92 - Career Services
- 92 - Dean of Students
- 92 - Housing
- 92 - International Students
- 92 - Office of Registrar
- 92 - SCB Administration
- 92 - Student Services
- 92 - Student Tracking
- 92 - Testing, Eval & Student Life
- 92 - University Advising
- 98 - Energy Management
- 98 - Toxic Waste Removal